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GitLab Integration

This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with GitLab

Issuing a GitLab Group Access Token

  1. Navigate to the Access Tokens page On the left menu of the group page, go to Settings → Access Tokens.


  2. Create a new token Click the Add new token button in the top right corner of the Group Access Tokens page.


  3. Fill out the form Role: Select a role with at least Developer permissions (required to read repository contents). Scopes: Make sure the read_api scope is enabled (required to list accessible projects). Name: Enter a descriptive name for the token. Expires at: Choose an expiration date for the token (optional).


  4. Generate the token Click Create group access token to generate the token.


  5. Copy the token The generated token will be displayed on the screen. Copy the token for use in integration settings.

Configuring Integration in Cremit

  1. Go to the Integration page On the left menu of Cremit, go to Integration.


  2. Enter the required information Host: Enter the hostname of your GitLab instance. Group Access Token: Paste the group access token you generated earlier. Label: Enter a label to identify the integration.


  3. Complete the integration Click Submit to add the source integration.

Granting multiple project access to a group (Optional)

If you need to grant access to multiple projects to a specific group at once, follow these steps:

3.1 Generating a user access token

  1. Log in to GitLab, go to user menu → 'Preferences' → 'Access Tokens'.
    Gitlab 그룹 조회.png
  2. Click 'Add new token', enter a token name, select the 'api' scope, and create the token.
  3. Securely store the generated token.

3.2 3.2 Preparing and running the script

  1. Ensure Python and pip are installed.

  2. Install the requests module:

    $ pip install requests
  3. Save the provided script as ''

    import sys
    import re
    import json
    from requests import post, get

    host = sys.argv[1]
    token = sys.argv[2]
    group_name = sys.argv[3]

    host = host[:-1]

    headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"

    def get_groups():
    response = get(f"{host}/api/v4/groups?search={group_name}", headers=headers)
    return response.json()

    groups = get_groups()

    name_matched_groups = [group for group in groups if group["name"] == group_name]

    if len(name_matched_groups) == 0:
    print(f"couldn't find group that has name {group_name}")

    group = name_matched_groups[0]
    group_name = group["name"]

    payload = {
    "group_access": 10,
    "group_id": group["id"]

    NEXT_PAGE_PATTERN = re.compile("<(.+)>; rel=\"next\"")
    def get_projects():
    projects = []
    response = get(f"{host}/api/v4/projects?order_by=id&sort=asc", headers=headers)

    if "Link" in response.headers:
    match_result =["Link"])
    next_page_url = match_result[1]
    next_page_url = None
    next_page_url = None

    while next_page_url:
    response = get(next_page_url, headers=headers)
    if "Link" in response.headers:
    match_result =["Link"])
    next_page_url = match_result[1]
    next_page_url = None
    next_page_url = None

    return projects

    for project in get_projects():
    project_id = project["id"]
    project_name = project["name"]
    share_proejct_endpoint = host + f"/api/v4/projects/{project_id}/share"

    response = post(share_proejct_endpoint, json=payload, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 201:
    print(f"proejct {project_name} is shared with group {group_name}")</(.+)>
  4. Run the script with the following command:

    $ python {GitLab_host} {user_access_token} {group_name_to_invite}

3.3 Verifying access grant

Check if the group has been successfully invited in each project's 'Manage' → 'Members' → 'Groups' menu.

Important Notes

  • All access tokens are confidential information and should be managed securely.
  • Tokens should only be used for authorized integration purposes.
  • The 'read_api' permission is essential for querying the list of accessible projects.
  • When granting multiple project permissions to a group, it only applies to projects accessible by the user.