📄️ GitLab CE 8.4 Integration
To integrate Cremit with Gitlab CE 8.4, you will need to create an account in GitLab for Cremit for Usenet scanning.
📄️ Google Drive Integration
It works with Service Account permissions in Google Cloud Platform.
📄️ Slack Integration
Cremit is integrated through the Slack app.
📄️ Bitbucket Integration
There are two ways to authenticate to Bitbucket.
📄️ Github Integration
This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with Github App.
📄️ Jira Integration
This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with Jira.
📄️ Confluence Integration
This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with Confluence.
📄️ GitLab Integration
This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with GitLab
📄️ Notion Integration
This guide explains how to integration the Cremit service with Notion App.