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Version: 0.0.1

nebula access-condtion

Manage the access conditions for secrets.


nebula access-condition list

The nebula access-condition list command lists the access conditions that are registered into the backbone server. The command returns the access condition id, name, and expression of each access condition.

nebula access-condtion create

The nebula access-condtion create command creates a new access condition in the backbone server.


  • -n, --name <name>: The name of the access condition. (required)
  • -e, --expression <expression>: The expression of the access condition. (required)

Expression syntax:


The expression must be enclosed in double quotes.
The expression can be a combination of multiple conditions using logical operators (AND, OR).
If you didn't roll the version, the default version is 1.

(("group=admin@Authority#1") AND ("role=manager@Authority#1")) OR ("group=infra@Authority#1"))